Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Slackerville September

Hi my name is Fiona and I am a slacker. That felt good to get off my chest. Now onto the happenings. I have officially survived the first month of school! It was bumpy between ordering books late (please read my first sentence), changing my calculus class on the first day, and then having to readjust to my new 8am class. Now I am in the full swing of things I can say so far so good and I love it. Michael has re-graced me with my sandbagger status after stressing over my first calculus test and receiving a 99%, only to then complain that I knew 100% was within my grasp.

Michael has been preparing to "get his guns up" after nailing his recent interview with Texas Tech Pharmacy College. Being the supportive human that I am I went with him, not in a creepy over protective mom way but just to drop him off as I check out my prospective new town of Abilene Texas. Its a great blue collar town, that carries the mist of its hey day. I occupied my day with walking the abandoned town, and touring a 1930's, haunted may I add movie theater before picking Michael back up. I could tell he loved it there. For the two hour car journey home I listened to stories of the school and how amazingly technologically advanced it was, how nice the students and staff were and how excited he would be to be accepted. I couldn't be prouder.

We also have hit wedding season in our not so tiny anymore town! There are few things I love more than free food, friends and dancing but when you through a photo booth in the mix, it suddenly becomes a second birthday for me. This weekend we prepare for another (hopefully photobooth too) wedding,
Michael and I

 Some photos of the night

We have also been spoiled by being gifted suite seats to the Cowboys football game from Michael's work. It pays to know someone, and like I said you cant beat free food and friends. This is truly my favorite time of year, Fall couldn't have come soon enough. It may still be 90 degrees in Fort worth but I have my fall decor out and pumpkins at the ready! And for those of you who read my blog I did survive the brewery tour day and feel beyond lucky to have these cool people in my life. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Few Days Of Freedom

I have officially survived summer school! Not only did I survive taking two classes, Micro-Economics, and History but  I also have kept my 4.0 GPA. I can't say it was easy, I have found I have zero natural talent for Micro-Economics. There are too many percentage changes divided by percentage changes for my liking. On a beautiful Wednesday afternoon, after taking my final the night before and, thanking the stars above it was over I discovered that my final grade for the class was an 89. If you're familiar with the grade system 80-90 is a B, and 90-100 is a A. I was not about to have that. I calculated my grade going off the master syllabus and wouldn't you know it was an 89.4, one tenth from an 89.5 and my glorious 90. So I did what any self respecting student would do and emailed my professor asking for a bump or chance to reach my A. My wish was granted but I has to work for it and complete a chapter review before Sunday when grades are officially entered in the school system. Now here is the key to my story, I received my wish on Friday. I wasted no time and read and completed my chapter review sending the official copy off at 1 am Sunday morning. It felt great. It felt even better looking at my A on my transcript.
My love of history only blossomed with my class. I loved the small stories or people that played such a huge role in the formation of a country. I learned things I have never known, and corrected things I thought that I had. This A came easy, this A validated my love of history.
So now I was free. I had 10 days before the Fall semester starts. As I write this I have 4. Relax I hear you say. Never.
 I decided to accept an offer at this new Mexican restaurant in town that wanted me to bar-tend. I was excited. I love bartending, I love talking, I love the extra money for sure. Man was I wrong about this one. Going in from night one there was another girl who seemed to just immediately decide to dislike me. Every thing she had to say to be was rude and condescending. I have not felt so uncomfortable since high school. My next shift was the following Saturday, and it was going to just be me and said girl. I decided to give it another chance maybe it was a 'bad day' thing. I even bought her a Redbull as a peace offering. It failed. By the time my break had come I was beyond upset. I even had a private meeting with the managers about her. I went home and could not figure out how someone, bare in mind well above my age could be so mean, rude and negative to another person. After a long talk with Michael, I decided this job was meant to be fun and this was not fun. That night I politely gave notice that this was my last shift and bid them farewell. I felt relieved. I honestly couldn't and can't get over how some one can be so mean, and make another person feel so purposely uncomfortable. I survived high school. I had made conscious decisions on not letting people like that in my life, and I was refusing to go back.
Now I really did have free time. I debated spending my time trying to finish all the Pintrest projects I had started or just enjoy my time at home. I chose the latter. For our last horah before the fall semester and for a huge relief of Michael sending off his early decision application to Texas Tech! We are going on a brewery tour day! That right 3 breweries one day and, too much beer to end the summer. How it goes I'll let you know.

Monday, August 11, 2014

August Rush

Its hot, humid and, August in Texas and we have officially reached 103 degrees. So how have I spent my summer so far? In a whirl wind of family, friends, school, work and napping. 
In May my amazingly talented brother went ahead and set the bar that much further for us siblings by graduating medical school. We have a fully fledged doctor in the family. Michael and I drove to Kansas for the week to celebrate with everyone. All of the family had flown in from England, both my mom, dad and sister which made everything that much special. I don't think I ever realize just how much I miss my parents until I see them and just how much time goes in between our visits. 
The Boulevard Brewery

All 4 kids with Mom and Dad. 

 June was one stressful and exciting month for Michael and I. On the 18th was Michael birthday, which we celebrated with a low key dinner and cupcakes. The 20th however was Michael's PCAT day! The PCAT is like the MCAT, but the entry exam to pharmacy school. After countless days studying and listening to me nag and nag to study more, not only did Michael pass the PCAT but got an amazing grade well about what he was aiming for. As a reward for his hard work we celebrated with craft beers in the 'hip' area of town. Craft beers has become our new hobbie besides eating haha. 

Summer school begins! After taking the first part off from school, I found myself with idle hands. So I jumped back in taking two classes and saying goodbye to laying by the pool. Economics and History were my classes of choice, and I can't complain too much as both were taken online. This gave the freedom to be able to once again visit my beautiful family in Kansas, and welcome my newest best friend into the world baby Collin. The Legris are a family of 5. Wow! I honestly have so much respect for them and have zero idea of how they do it and have energy to do anything else in a day. Caleb and Corinne have the most amazing personalities and continue to amaze me with their knowledge and manners. I can say that kids are a long way off for me haha. 

August rush! wow time has flown and its almost the middle of August! I have one week out and 3 tests from finishing summer school and hopefully maintaining my 4.0. The next step come November is to apply to finish my degree! I have 10 days off before starting school again in the fall and I shall cherish them (hopefully). Because I love to make my life as busy as possible, I have also started bar-tending again! I have however put restraints on myself and refuse to be completely stressed and take a toll on my perfect GPA ;) Stay turned in for how that turn out! But for now as much as  I love Summer, swimming, shorts and more I am beyond excited that Fall is right around the corner. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The New and Improved ME!

Well where do I start. I know I have been down the blog road before in a tried and failed effort but this time I believe that I am here to stay. That's right guys I can, and will officially add blogger to my long list of different hats I wear throughout my crazy beautiful life. 
So what changed? And why now? Well after a recent long debate about Facebook, and the hold I felt it had on my daily, social and work life I decided Facebook and I needed a breakup. I no longer wanted to know the thoughts, and feelings of people who I barely knew. I no longer wanted to be concerned with what was going on in a virtual world as opposed to my own world. Yet I loved some of the benefits of Facebook. I can stay relevant with  close friends and family at the click of a button. So here is my compromise. My wonderful family can now, know and read about my life and see that there is more (WAY more) going on down here in Texas than visiting the local watering hole, as Facebook would like to suggest. 

So here you have it! Welcome, enjoy and bare with me as I discover and master the world or blogging and the world of Fiona.  This is the 'Perks of Life'